
I am a second year PhD student at Yale University working with Prof. Abhishek Bhattacharjee in the Computer Systems Lab. Previously, I obtained my BS/MS from the University of Michigan, where I worked with Prof. Baris Kasikci and Prof. Tanvir Ahmed Khan.


My research interest is in hardware-software co-design, specifically for neural interfaces. I am currently working on designing scalable neural signal processors for both clinical treatment and scientific study through the HALO project (partial tapeout at 12 nm). Previously, I worked on profile-guided optimizations in hardware and software for data center applications.


[03/24] Paper on Computing, Ethics, and Policy for BCIs accepted into HotEthics ‘24
[03/24] Paper on BCI Interoperability accepted into HotEthics ‘24
[03/24] Paper accepted into BioSys ‘24
[02/24] Paper accepted into NVMW ‘24
[01/24] SCALO selected as a top pick in IEEE Micro Top Picks ‘24!
[06/23] SCALO wins the Best Paper Award at ISCA ‘23!
[03/23] SCALO accepted into ISCA ‘23
[10/22] Whisper wins Best Paper Award at MICRO ‘22!
[08/22] Starting PhD at Yale!
[07/22] Whisper accepted into MICRO ‘22
[06/22] One Profile Fits All invited to appear in SIGOPS OSR
[01/22] Understanding Branch Prediction in Data Center Applications accepted into YArch ‘22
[05/21] Graduated with a M.S. from the University of Michigan through CSE SUGS
[04/21] Multi-Application Linux Kernel Profile accepted into PLDI SRC ‘21
[05/20] Graduated with a B.S. from the University of Michigan and completed my Honors Thesis